
Mei-Lian Hoe

Mei-Lian Hoe – Centre for Sight patient

“Laser eye surgery has been one of the best investments I’ve made to date.”

Mei-Lian Hoe
Doctor from Sutton, Surrey

Having been short-sighted and astigmatic since the age of 10 glasses and later contact lenses, had been a staple for most of my life.

Neither were ideal: contacts would dry out during my shifts at work and there was always a period of being lost without my glasses at the start of the day.

My treatment at the Centre for Sight came at my father’s recommendation, himself a retired corneo-refractive ophthalmologist, based on his professional experience of Mr Daya’s work at the technological forefront of corneal refractive laser surgery.

The surgery itself was as quick, painless and straightforward as I’d been led to expect.

“The results were immediate and I was back at work within 24 hours.”

Two years on from the surgery I still have 20/20 vision and the freedom to pursue an active lifestyle without second thought to my eyesight.

Having laser eye surgery has been one of the best investments I’ve made to date, offering freedom that is so often taken for granted.

I cannot recommend the quality of service and aftercare that the Centre for Sight offers highly enough.

More about Mei-Lian’s LASIK Laser Eye Surgery.