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Am I Suitable?

Laser eye surgery has advanced significantly, and approximately 85% of adults are now considered suitable candidates. Even if you were previously advised against it, recent technological advancements might mean you’re eligible today.

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Find out what vision correction option might be available for you.

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Are You a Candidate for Laser Eye Surgery?

To determine if you qualify for laser eye surgery, we invite you to complete our “Am I Suitable” questionnaire. Our expert team will review your responses and provide personalized treatment options based on your specific needs. Generally, you may be a candidate if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are over 18 years old (or 21 and above if required for your profession)
  • You have myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), or astigmatism
  • Your vision has been stable for the past 12 months (with less than 0.50D change in the last year)
  • You have good overall eye health and no autoimmune conditions
  • You are not pregnant or nursing

The evaluation process involves a thorough 2-3 hour assessment, followed by a consultation with one of our surgeons to determine your suitability for surgery. This may include preliminary screening tests, with a more detailed evaluation scheduled if necessary.

At Centre for Sight, we prioritize safety above all else. We are meticulous in our selection process, relying on scientific evidence to ensure that we only proceed with those who are at minimal risk. We may delay or refer for further treatment individuals who may have increased risk factors.

Your journey towards clearer vision starts with a comprehensive assessment—to take your first step, contact us today by completing the suitability form below.