Reading glasses are something many of us will end up depending on as we get older. This is called ‘presbyopia’. For some of you it’s a nuisance, for others it’s a major impairment. It can stifle confidence, and the level of dependency on the glasses can take some of the joy out of life. The good news is that surgeons at Centre for Sight can permanently correct this condition. To understand options for correction, you need to understand why reading glasses are required…

Why are reading glasses needed?
With advancing age, (beyond the age of 40) the lens in our eye becomes larger and harder and less able to change shape. In earlier life, the lens alters fine focus at near by changing shape. This enables us to read without glasses. The ability to do this decreases over time and as the lens hardens, reading glasses are required. Vision at near gets poorer and poorer with age and stronger glasses are required every few years. Eventually the crystalline lens becomes cloudy and this is known as a cataract.
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Authored by Sheraz Daya MD FACP FACS FRCS(Ed) FRCOphth, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon & Medical Director, June 2019.
Next review due June 2025.