COVID-19 Guidance 3

Sheraz Daya inspecting a patients eye at Centre for Sight

Keeping Everyone Safe

We are delighted to announce we are open at our East Grinstead and Oxshott clinics. This however, comes with much planning and the implementation of specific measures we all need to follow to keep everyone safe at our clinics.

Our mission is to provide exemplary eye care that exceeds expectations, and that is no exception while we adhere to these guidelines. Safety is of the utmost importance during this time, and we are taking every measure we can to ensure our staff and patients are safe when they visit our clinics.


Before you come in

Prior to your visit you will be sent COVID-19 information with specific instructions to follow. You can also download these documents under the ‘COVID-19 Patient Information’ section below. In order to minimise the amount of time you spend onsite, please ensure you:

  • Read our guidance fully and contact us with any questions
  • Complete your information online via the CFS Club
  • Pay your balance in advance
  • Have a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test if you are coming in for surgery. Find out how to ask for a test on the NHS website here.
  • COVID-19 Patient Information

Covid-19 Questionnaire and Consent



When you come in

When you come in to visit us, you will need to follow these measures:

  • Ask your relatives to stay in the car
  • Use the alcohol hand gel upon entry
  • Your temperature will be taken with an infra-red thermometer
  • Wear a mask – if you do not have one, a mask will be supplied to you
  • Answer our COVID-19 screening questions and sign the consent form
  • Maintain a safe distance and stay in your Zone
COVID-19 Guidance 3
COVID-19 Guidance 3

What you can expect from us

When you come in:

We have put new measures in place for all of our staff. Those who can work from home, will continue to do so. We have also held COVID-19 training with all staff prior to re-opening. Below is what you can expect from us:

  • Station with hand gel and masks upon entry to all sites
    Implementing of Zones to maintain a safe distance
  • Well ventilated areas with high ceilings in patient waiting areas
  • Air conditioning and HEPA air purifiers in enclosed spaces
  • All staff to change into uniforms when they arrive
  • Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for designated staff including gloves, masks, breath/sneeze shields, face shields and safety goggles
  • Enhanced room and surface cleaning schedules
  • Disinfection after every patient interaction

Coronavirus (COVID-19)- Guidance No. 2 - 20 Mar 2020

Centre for Sight’s mission is to provide exemplary eye care surpassing patients’ expectations at all levels. Safety of patients and staff is paramount and very appropriate at this time with the evolving situation around the Coronavirus (COVID-19).We want to reassure our current and potential patients that we are taking the developing situation very seriously and following the guidance from the Department of Health, Royal College of Ophthalmologists and the American Academy of Ophthalmology. We have implemented specific measures to help protect our patients, clinicians and staff as follows.

This includes:

  • Calls to assess and screen all patients booked in for future appointments
  • Additional screening questionnaires at all reception desks
  • Advising patients to come on their own unless they need assistance from family or friends
  • Encouraging visitors to stay in the car or away from the clinic while waiting
  • Maintaining a safe distance between patients in waiting and sub-waiting areas
  • Advising all visitors to use hand gel and/or wash their hands upon arrival
  • Advising all non-clinical staff to utilise the phone system instead of entering clinical areas
  • All staff wash their hands on arrival for 20 seconds and use hand gel and/or hand washing after every patient contact
  • Cleaning of all points of contact by patients following examination
  • Installation of a Centre for Sight devised Perspex guard at the Slit lamp microscope to protect patient and staff during examination at close proximity
  • Additional daily cleaning and laundering services at all sites
  • Implementing working from home for non-clinical staff where possible
  • All of our sites are operating as normal, welcoming patients and ensuring they receive the same standard of care.


Guidance for Patients and Visitors- Latest information:

The NHS is the best place to seek the latest medical advice. NHS 111 online can be used to check your symptoms, or if your symptoms become severe, you can ring NHS 111.The UK Government has published Stay at Home Guidance with advice and information on self-isolation.

Prior to your appointment:

  • Our Patient Co-ordinators are calling patients the day prior to their appointment to check if they are symptomatic or live with anyone who is, and if so, will help them re-arrange their appointment.
  • To support the latest social distancing recommendations, you will be advised not to bring more than one relative with you to attend your appointment. Where possible, your visitor will be advised stay in their car, or leave and then return when you are ready to be collected.

If you are in self-isolation and need to reschedule your appointment, please contact us by phone on 0808 115 8671.

Upon attending your appointment:
We will risk assess patients and visitors upon arrival.

You will also be asked you to use hand gel and/or wash your hands upon entering any of our sites.
We are monitoring the developing situation and will continue to update this page as required.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)- Guidance No.1 - 18 Mar 2020

The impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) continues to evolve and we at Centre for Sight are closely following guidance from the Department of Health, Royal College of Ophthalmologists and the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Further to our last communication, in light of the rapid increase in the UK and the desire by the government to “flatten the curve” in order to reduce the demands for acute critical care, we will cease all elective operations and outpatient clinics from Wednesday 25th March 2020 across all our facilities. We shall however be available for eye emergencies and urgent care.

We apologise to all who are inconvenienced and please understand that this is in the national interests. The situation is being reviewed daily by the Centre for Sight executive team and we shall make changes based on available advice and recommendations.

Our administrative offices are open daily and we shall continue to take phone calls, emails and communication through our portal “CFS Club”.

Like yourselves, we are hopeful that with all measures being taken collectively the pandemic will come under better control and permit us to function more normally.