Diana C
“My sight was brilliant as soon as my bandages were off.”
Diana C
Centre for Sight Patient

What was your vision like before treatment at Centre for Sight?
For many, many years I wore contact lenses, and I was very happy with my decision; each development of new materials brought more comfort, and I was able to wear them from morning to night with no discomfort.
I looked into the possibility of laser surgery, but soon realised that it wasn’t for me, as my longsight prescription was too high and precluded me from this route.
How is your vision after treatment?
When having a routine eye test, my optician mentioned the possibility of replacement lens surgery. My husband was in agreement, and so we made the appointment with Centre for Sight. Our first meeting with Mr Saj Khan filled us with confidence, and although it took some months to get my eyes into a fit state to operate (they were very, very dry, plus there was an infection), we felt fully supported by Mr Khan and all the staff, and able to look forward to a date for surgery.
The joy I felt after the surgery was huge.
My sight was brilliant as soon as the bandages were off the following morning, and has continued to be.
No more fiddling with contact lenses and solutions night and morning, and more importantly no worries about bumping into furniture…

Message to Centre for Sight…
I do so hope this testimonial will help and encourage others to take the plunge.
They will find every kindness and care at Centre for Sight.