
Please read this document carefully

Guidance is provided on how to take care of yourself following your procedure. Common questions are also answered.

You have just had a corneal graft procedure. These are instructions to guide you on how to look after your eye following surgery.


  • Irritation or scratchiness from the incision and stitches

Do’s and don’ts



  • Rub your eyes
  • Allow water to enter your operated eye for 48 hours
  • Lift anything heavy (more than 15 kg for 3 months)


  • Use your the eye shield or goggles at BEDTIME for 3 months
  • Take your drops regularly

Eye drops

  • Keep the eye drops within the Centre for Sight toiletry bag provided.
  • Discard the eye drops after 1 month.
  • Administer the drops as instructed on the table below .

How to use your eye drops

  • Wash your hands before and after you apply your drops
  • Sit or lie down comfortably with your head tilted backwards looking at the ceiling.
  • Gently pull down the lower lid with one finger to form a sac.
  • Holding the eye drops in your other hand, bring the dropper close to the eye and squeeze one drop into the sac.
  • Close the eye for 5 minutes and blot excess solution with a clean tissue.
    Replace the dropper cap immediately after use.


Do not put all drops in at once. Use one drop at a time and close your eyes for 5 minutes by the
clock before applying the next drop.

For all drops except artificial tears, you must close your eyes for 5 minutes. This is the only way drops are going to be reliably absorbed into the eye.

MEDICATION - Chloramphenicol *Keep refrigerated (Drop packaging may vary)
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Bedtime Comment
4 times a day
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Bedtime Comment
4 times a day


You will have been given a follow-up appointment before leaving. If you are not being seen the next day, a member of staff from Centre for Sight will contact you the following day to find out about your progress.


Sticky lashes

If your eyelashes become sticky or have accumulated material, you may clean them by using a cotton bud soaked in warm boiled water. Close one eye and gently and repetitively wipe the lashes with the moist cotton bud away from the eyelid.


Problems are rare, however in the event you have any of the following:

  • Redness
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Vision loss or reduction
  • Pain

please contact Centre for Sight right away on 01342 306020

Common questions

How soon can I expect to have good vision ?

Corneal transplant procedures take a while to recover and will be influenced by many factors. Usually stitches need to be removed before vision is restored and this takes place from 3 months onward. Your surgeon will provide you with specific details about recovery.

How long should I remain off work ?

Your eye will be uncomfortable for about 2 weeks. As soon as you are comfortable you may return to desk work. For outdoor work, please check with your operating surgeon. It is important to keep out of dusty environments and avoid heavy exertion for 3 months.

How soon after my procedure may I drive ?

If your other eye has good vision which meets the standard for driving (ability to see a number plate at 25 meters) you may drive as soon as you are comfortable.

When can I go swimming ?

You cannot swim while stitches are in place.

When can I return to playing sports ?

Light exercise with very little exertion, after one month. You must not lift anything more than 15 kg in weight or equivalent exertion for 3 months. The stitches used in surgery are half the thickness of human hair and fragile!

When can I fly ?

You must check with your operating surgeon. You cannot fly if you have an air bubble in y our eye.

When may I return to activities such as housework, shopping and gardening?

Avoid dust environments for at least one month following surgery.

When can I use eye make-up again ?

No Mascara for 3 months. Other eye make-up - 1 month following surgery however please take great care when removing make-up and avoid pressure on the eye

Eye shield/googles at bedtime - 3 months

We trust this information is useful and shall welcome any comments you may have.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our helpful staff at the Centre for Sight.

And finally…

ENJOY your vision and
THANK YOU for entrusting us with your care !

The Staff at Centre for Sight