David L
“The whole experience from my pre-op assessment, the two operations and the immediate examination 24 hours after surgery has left me with nothing but the most positive of memories.”
David L – Retired Reporter from Kent

Cataract Surgery provides “the best sight” than David ever had or expected.
David Llewellyn spent 30 years as a reporter needing glasses all along. Unfortunately, he also lost his hearing in one ear meaning his eyesight became very precious to him. Now retired, David decided to have Cataract surgery to transform his sight and enjoy his life in retirement.
How was your experience at Centre for Sight?
Firstly, it has to be said that the Centre For Sight is quite possibly the finest medical establishment that I have ever had the privilege and good fortune to have set foot in and to have entrusted two of the most priceless pieces of my anatomy — my eyes — to the CFS staff.
All the staff, without exception made me feel welcome, and managed to calm my nerves, and their confidence reassured me that this was a wholly, professionally run facility.
Initially, sitting in the comfortable reception area it seemed to be very quiet, almost too quiet, suggesting a sombre atmosphere, which only served to heighten my apprehension. Then a moment of magic. A door behind me opened and closed, but not before some laughter managed to leak out. I knew then I was in a good place. There were further openings and closings of doors which gave audio glimpses of a happy workplace and workforce.

“Laughter in an establishment dealing with such serious matters as the health of eyes is a wonderful sound, and further served to ease my nerves.”
The professional competence of people such as Cristia, Lizzie, Laura not forgetting the whole of the cheerful, courteous, and brilliant team in reception — I’m afraid I can only remember Charlotte’s name, but they were all excellent — was exemplary. They all contributed to what turned out to be a fabulous experience for me. And everyone displayed a great sense of humour, there was plenty of banter as well as discreet, soothing, and reassuring conversations with the patients. In fact, every patient I spoke to later felt exactly the same as I do about your staff. They are all to a woman and man, top drawer.
Of course, the most important part of the whole process was the surgery to rid me of my cataracts. And ‘Thank you’ seems such an inadequate way to express my feelings about what Marcela has done for me. Having lost the hearing in one ear, I can tell you that the remaining ear and all my other senses, most especially my sight, have become far more precious to me.

What was your sight like after surgery?
Courtesy of Miss Espinosa’s immense skill and knowledge my life has changed. At last, after 30 or so years of relying on spectacles, I can now read and see over long distances unaided. It is a modern-day miracle as far as I am concerned.
When I removed the patch over my left eye on the day following my first operation it was an emotional moment for me. We live down a farm track and we are surrounded by fields and trees, all displaying different tones of green and for the first time for at least the last half dozen years I was once more able to see these different tones. I was able to pick out trees a quarter of a mile away and see individual boughs and branches. And now, after the second successful operation, I have better eyesight than I have ever had.
The correction of my astigmatism in both eyes, and the superlative quality of the two replacement lenses has given me, according to Mr Shahnazaryan, “the vision of a fighter pilot”. Wow. During the consultation with him, on the day following my second operation, Mr Shahnazaryan said that I had had a brilliant result from my surgery. That is for sure.
Message to the Centre for Sight Team
This brilliance is down to Miss Espinosa, and of course, to the wonderful Centre for Sight team. Every department deserves a big pat on the back. Please pass on my undying gratitude to them all.
As for Miss Espinosa’s skill, I can only sit back and marvel that a human being can perform so astonishingly brilliantly in what has to be some of the most delicate surgical procedures of the modern day. I said after the second operation that I was awed by her remarkable ability, and I meant it.
As I have said, ‘thank you’ seems to be inadequate, but sadly it is all I have.
Miss Marcela Espinosa and Mr Sheraz Daya deserve accolades from on high for what they have achieved with this stunning concept of the Centre for Sight. Long may both continue your wonderful work. And long may Centre for Sight continue to employ such lovely staff.
David L – Retired Reporter from Kent