Multifocal Lenses

A solution for those looking to get rid of their glasses altogether.

Happy couple in the street
Sheraz Daya
Women having eye examiniation

What are Multifocal Lenses?

A solution for those looking to get rid of their glasses altogether including reading glasses, Laser Lens Replacement or lens replacement surgery is called a variety of names including Prelex and Presbyopia Lens Exchange and it is branded as Clarivu™** by one company. It has become as popular as laser vision correction – giving a whole new generation the opportunity to get rid of their glasses and contact lenses and providing the added value of near and intermediate vision! In essence, it provides a full range of focus and spectacle independence in the majority of cases.

Marcela Espinosa-Lagana
Marcela Espinosa-Lagana
Cornea, Cataract, Keratorefractive Surgery and Paediatric Ophthalmology

Centre for Sight has extensive experience in Laser Lens Replacement having implanted Crystalens since 2002 (amongst the largest numbers in Europe) and a variety of multifocals since 2004. Centre for Sight pioneered use of the Trifocal lens implant in the UK (January 2011) and has implanted amongst the highest numbers in Europe. Success of this technique requires attention to detail and surgeon expertise to ensure surgery is perfect each time.


“I just wanted to convey my thanks to everyone at Centre for Sight…”

Sue Simmons
Centre for Sight Patient

Technology used at Centre for Sight for eye examinations

What is Laser Lens Replacement?

Laser Lens Replacement or LLR involves removal of the natural crystalline lens within the eye and replacement with a high performance intraocular lens implant. The procedure has a number of names including LLR, PRELEX, Clarivu™**, Laser Lens Replacement and others. This is often confusing for the consumer and at Centre for Sight, we believe in being very transparent and thus label treatments in generic terms.

“…this technique requires attention to detail and surgeon expertise…”

Laser Lens Replacement is a revolutionary technique pioneered at Centre for Sight and makes use of the Victus femtosecond laser. The laser does much of the work previously performed by human hand and the final portion of lens removal is performed using the Stellaris MICS Advanced Vision Enhancement System with the benefit of surgery being performed through much smaller incisions (1.8mm) than regular cataract and lens surgery performed elsewhere.

Like LASIK and IntraLASIK this procedure corrects shortsight, longsight and astigmatism with the additional advantage of addressing age related reading issues. The majority of Centre for Sight recipients of this type of procedure hardly ever need glasses.

Although called multifocal lenses, many lenses in current use are actually BIFOCAL – providing vision at distance and near only. For intermediate vision (computers) glasses are often needed. TRIFOCAL lenses are truly multifocal lenses and reliably provide patients with intermediate vision as well.

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Trifocal Lenses

Centre for Sight surgeons have considerable experience and preference for the Trifocal lens having used them regularly since January 2011. The FINEvision lens stands for Far Intermediate and NEar and is a true trifocal lens providing the ability to see at Distance, Intermediate and Near. For more on Trifocal Lenses click here.

Other names for Premium Laser Lens Replacement are:

  • Added-Value Cataract Surgery
  • Presbyopia Lens Exchange (PRELEX)
  • Laser Lens Replacement (LLR)
  • Clear Lens Replacement

Success of this technique requires attention to detail with a surgeon using his/her expertise and backed by a highly trained team and technology to ensure surgery is perfect each time.

Woman sitting infront of laptop

Author Information

Authored by Sheraz Daya MD FACP FACS FRCS(Ed) FRCOphth

Mr Daya is the Medical Director of Centre for Sight and listed amongst the 100 most influential ophthalmologists in the world (

Next review due January 2025.